1 Congressionals 1:1-9
1. It came to be on a certain day just before the holiday break that a vote was required of those in the House and it was predicted that a bill of consequence would not be allowed passage for there was certain dissension and grumbling among the least honorable among them.
2. For the MAGA thought to themselves that they would not fund the defense bill if charitable works were brought forth by men in burlesque as was long custom. For they found within themselves unnatural tendencies they could not admit.
3. And also these inconstant thought to themselves to bar access to healthcare to those they deemed unworthy for they were merely women who had proved equal to the tasks given them.
4. Moreover these fearful would keep from the armies persons unlike themselves in some ways and that made them feel funny in their pants.
5. And in that day did the Speaker do an end run and called a procedural vote and did foil the MAGA for he was beholden to the military industrial complex, and they did own him.
6. And among the MAGA there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth for they were perceived as a joke among the faithful but to others they were seen as a disease and a bad smell in the House.
7.For they had sold themselves out to clickbait and to obstruction and were counted among those seen as servants to other nations and had discarded the Oath they took in the full sight of all.
8. But the Democrats and those Republicans that had knowledge of which side of their bread was buttered came together to deliver unto Dark Brandon a bill to sign.
9. And it was pretty good.
Cliff Lake 12/14/2023
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