The Big Rock Candy Mountain, The forever youthful fountain. No trouble that needs surmountin’ No trials that need accountin’. Always in the warm mainstream, Never exposed to the extreme. A life lived on a moonbeam, That’s a long, long way to dream. A long way to dream, Life gets in between. This ain’t no TV screen, Such a long way to dream. Never grinded in the mill, Never having to foot the bill. It all comes as you stand stock-still, It’s merely a force of will. Existing always in a golden gleam, Lazing your way downstream. Things are exactly as they seem, What a very long way to dream. A long way to dream, Life gets in between. Will someone intervene, Such a long way to dream. Would you live so happily Would you be in rhapsody Would you just find stagnancy Lost and found in fantasy? A long way to dream, Life gets in between. It’s all been unforeseen, Such a long way to dream. Cliff Lake 2/11/2025 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2025
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