The underachievers File back into the chamber Having successfully survived Their vacations. Nothing is expected of them, Save performances, Meant to appeal To the lowest common denominator. They won’t have to go far, A few steps up, And they’re in Familiar territory. The underachievers Assemble their notes, Written by them personally, And not to be confused, With the fake phone numbers, They have collected, From the dancers On the bar napkins That still smell of Whiskey and Cocaine-scented sweat. The underachievers Point fingers and rhetoric everywhere But at real issues, Substituting likes For engagement, And words For action, Believing earnestly That doing something That someone might dislike, May not lead To increased photo ops. The underachievers File back into the chamber With no plans for action, But plenty of plans For acting Because outrage Makes for good video. The underachievers Know who and what they are… And they keep collecting their pay. Let’s fire them in ’24. Cliff Lake 11/26/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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