Hello friends, are you or is someone close to you Mike Lindell? Are you having trouble assembling facts to fit your narrative? Have you promised everyone you know that you have evidence that you just can’t produce? Have you lost everything because you have no intel?
Well, today is YOUR LUCKY DAY! Introducing MIKE LINDELL’S BAG O’ FACTS!! That’s right! Now you, yes you Mike Lindell, can have an entire BAG O’ FACTS of your very own to hawk on your own media site! Isn’t that exciting? IT SURE IS!! With just one BAG O’ FACTS you can freely disperse truth bombs for DAYS IN A ROW!! What’s in it for you, you ask? JUST COMPLETE VINDICATION!! How’s that sound Mike Lindell? But wait! THERE’S MORE!! With your BAG O’ FACTS you can literally go to any federal court and WIN A CASE!! THAT’S RIGHT! YOU CAN WIN A CASE MIKE LINDELL!!! How does that sound? And with every case won, you can fade into obscurity or even START SELLING PILLOWS AT WALMART AGAIN!! NOW how do you feel??
Look Mike, we here at BAG O’ FACTS know how hard these last couple of years have been on you and we tried to call you to offer some comfort but someone at the FBI answered and well, we weren’t about to tell THEM any facts, now were we? Ha ha, ha, ha.
Listen, Mike Lindell, we can’t guarantee the facts you get will be facts you want, but facts are facts, Mike and we know you could use a few right now. So why don’t you pick up the pho… have someone call us and we’ll get you straightened out. Don’t hesitate, Mike Lindell, get some real facts TODAY!!!
Cliff Lake 3/15/2024
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