Your fraudulent promotion Of strange conspiracy. You’re paid for your commotion, All can plainly see. Unwavering devotion To any currency, But who am I to speak To your hypocrisy? How many of those greenbacks Have captured your affection? As you count up all those dirty stacks Are you avoiding introspection? An all-consuming avarice, Takes you completely, But who am I to speak Of your hypocrisy? A soul you must have advertised As one of easy hail. It’s not that you are compromised, You’re just available wholesale. It’s not that you’re a statesman, You conduit for lobby, But who am I to speak, Against hypocrisy? What’s in your head, more people dead, You purposely don’t see. But I have seen, and it’s obscene What you’re allowed to be. A trail of blood of innocents That trails you constantly… You’re goddam right I will speak out, On your hypocrisy. Cliff Lake 12/7/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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