Hope is born from despair, Though each is a negation Of the other. Hate may come from love, If the spurning becomes too great. Fear may feel like courage, When ignorance speaks too long. When the blind lead the blind, All roads track nowhere. Lust may serve as love, When want only is considered. Thought is only dreaming, To those forbidden new knowledge. And time is only moments, When no lessons have been learned. When the halt support the lame, They trail erratic circles. Thus, our world does spiral, Marked by broken clockwork, Engineered too long ago, With hammer and greedy hand. Hunger is always hunger, When succor must be paid for. Pain will always sting, When comfort is only vacant word. Life is ever taken, From those who do not deal death, And leave hope to always feel as, The carrot and the stick. Salvation is not purchased, With televised appearance. Sorrow must be always backed, By selfless unpublished deed. Greed has had its long rule, And violence its constant companion, Grant them to consume each other, Letting the meek at last inherit. Cliff Lake 12/26/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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