The birds sing and cheep, While the trees whisper “Sleep.” And the squirrels frantically gather. The sun-dappled leaves, Shift in the breeze, And where would you be rather? A fox in the clear, Then some startled deer, And a rabbit, small, brown, and frail. Past chipmunk’s den, Brook babbles in glen, And you wander away from the trail. It can soothe you, Doesn’t use you. Isn’t this what we are meant? There is rest here, Can be blessed here, Take our leave of industrial torment. Beneath the wise trees, Your soul takes its ease, This medicine of Nature’s splendor. The troubles you knew, Become lost as you, As you harken to sleepy surrender. No funds here are transferred, No alarm you need answer, Beholden just to the earth. Released from city sprawl, Be one with the All, Return to your innocence at birth. It can soothe you, Doesn’t use you. Isn’t this what we are meant? There is rest here, Can be blessed here, Take our leave of industrial torment. Why must we pay heed, To billionaire greed, This earth can provide all our asks. It’s gone on too long, Toiling to their song, Breaking our backs at their tasks. Let go clashing metal, Let your mind settle, Maybe you’ll find the real you. Forget busy schemes, Celebrate in this green, The freedom of nothing to do. It can soothe you, Doesn’t use you. Isn’t this what we are meant? There is rest here, Can be blessed here, Take our leave of industrial torment. The birds sing and cheep, While the trees whisper “Sleep.” And the squirrels frantically gather. The sun-dappled leaves, Shift in the breeze, And where would you be rather? Cliff Lake 1/23/2024 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024
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