Equality at Ground Zero And no matter the banner they fly, All corpses smell the same under the sun. Who is more right? Will the number of wounds taken, Make that certain? Who is more wrong? Will the number of orphans made, Prove that at the last? No matter the flag they march to, Death makes no distinction. Which is the more righteous cause? Can that be measured In limbs lost? Who has more rights? When the body voids, Will you then be answered? No matter the colors borne, The vultures feast on all alike. Who is most deserving of death? Or will the ravaged lands Accept all the blood spilled? Which bloodied hand is more just? How do they not see All of them are breeding death? No matter the banner they fly, All corpses smell the same under the sun. Cliff Lake 11/16/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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