The ancient path, Once hidden, Reveals itself again, Convoluted and devious, Promising paradise For those worthy, And willing to obey. Subterfuge is its way, Subtle glimpses of light Leading a course Into deepening darkness, A rut well-travelled By the artless And the insane. See how this shrouded trailway Cuts back upon itself, Backtracking when necessary Looping and coiling ever deeper Tracking its advance Into confusion and coercion, A route ending in perdition. See the millions trace this passage, Convinced this morass Has not trapped them, But that its snares and pitfalls Trap only the unenlightened, Blinded by ambition and self-service They do not see the noose is indiscriminate. No illumination can pierce the pall, This avenue is closely guarded By its travelers Who gladly ensnare a trespasser, Or shun those who would kindle light, Threatening violence, Or making promise of it. The ancient path, Blooded and putrid, Leads those astray Who would carve it again, And carve any speaking against it. The ancient path is tyranny and suppression, And must be firmly closed again. Always again. Ever again… Cliff Lake 1/21/2024 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024
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