It was not possible. He knew that. Common knowledge. Nevertheless… He first saw it low on the horizon. A blinking. A winking. A satellite surely. But those have their paths, And this one was following. Was it following him? Who was guiding it? Why did they watch? A blinking And winking. Satellites do not do so this random. A star then. As stars do, it climbed the skies. As stars do not, It followed. More blinking. Much winking. For a week they watched each other. For a week, she followed. Of course it was a she. Coy and bold at once, yes, It was a she. He liked her. He asked a neighbor to look, But that good man saw nothing Or chose not to. Or she chose… He asked no one else. After, she shone brighter. Now she climbed higher, And moved across the sky at will, Sometimes here, Sometimes there, But always in his sight, And ever brighter. The night she came to him She was radiant, And more than he could know, Though he felt no need to ask. He left with her then, For he was leaving nothing behind. It was not possible. He knew that. Common knowledge. Nevertheless… Cliff Lake 12/12/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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