Protect yourself From the invader With mantra oft-repeated, Learned from a mirror. Guard your beliefs With text misrepresented With word careful twisted, Misheard, misread, and misspoken. Take your comfort In hearing your thought respoken, Reiterated, reworded, recited, Made true with repetition. Take care to repudiate Fact laid before you, Opting for dissemble When the documents reveal. Keep your vision clear Of the evidence presented, Trusting only in The things you think you know. Beware the trap of logic, Of reasoned cogent argument, And accredited evidence - Only conspiracy is real. So, keep true to the mandate given you, Let no outside influence, Infect you with confirmed knowledge, Turning you away from the lies that you trust. In this way you will find Ways deeper into the maze, Created especially for you, And keep you contained in the dark. Repeat this incantation, At need when proof assails you, When the testimonies, Shake your faith in lies you must believe. Cliff Lake 12/28/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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