Lantern Jack was getting ready, His finest suit tattered just so! This night always made him feel heady, He kept it ensconced in one elbow. Jack was prepared for Mischief Night, His favorite for midnight haunting. Shrieking horror his delight, Normally it was not daunting. But this time Jack was prevented prowling, Outside his door our Jack was smitten. All fur and fang and miscreant yowling, Lantern Jack picked up the kitten. Orange-eyed, hissing and spitting, The creature displayed nothing like dread. Claws and teeth that were not quitting, Jack had to reattach his head. Lantern Jack had no companion, To accompany his frightful game, He now allowed that he had one, “Hellcat”, he said, “Shall be your name.” Hellcat he fed on things I won’t mention, Suffice to say that they were horrible, Lantern Jack fulfilled intention: Hellcat became incorrigible. Jack cannot not be found tormenting, Without his gangling cat nearby. No gate could hold him; nothing preventing, This stalking feline of orange eye. So, Lantern Jack now goes out stalking, With Hellcat lurking ever close. Be careful in the twilight walking, It’s hard to say which one frights most. Lantern Jack will be out strolling, And Hellcat too, so have a care. October’s streets they are patrolling, Lone travelers should most beware. Now welcome children, Trick or Treat! But know some lanes have caveat: Don’t wander down an unknown street, You might meet Jack and his Hellcat. Cliff Lake 10/29/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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