No armor had he, just a good sword And an old horse. A fair heart aging now, So is life’s course. Came he riding, the old soldier, At easy pace. Wars long over, both lost and won Written in his face. Came to an inn, road-weary guard, Here was denied. Not for the first time he prepared And would camp outside. From a window quickly shuttered, The pleading mien. Within had he spied, More than one face seen. The ancient trooper smelled trouble, Instinct did not fail. Sword loosened, blood coursing, Once again he hails. A coarse visage, a quick deny, Underneath the fear. These lodgings were assailed, His course made clear. A call again to warrior’s blood, And fight once more. Innocents plighted needing care, He breaches the door. Ruffians, robbers taken in surprise, He dispatches two. No place to put his back, He is too few. Advanced upon by remaining three, They take their hurts. But time has told it’s tale on him, He is done worse. The patrons still talk of to this day, The paladin brave, Who had no time to give his name… His life he gave. Cliff Lake 12/5/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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