Information in place of the lies. Information from former allies. Out of excuses, you must improvise. Pulling the wool from so many eyes. What do you do when the lies don’t work? How do you handle some factual jerk? How are they seeing through all of the murk? What will you do when the lies won’t work? Contradictions, conflictions, It’s all so much fiction, To deception you have an addiction. A pathology describes your condition. What will you do when the lies won’t work? What has happened to that complicit smirk? Will you finally just go berserk? How will you get by when the lies don’t work? Questions, these questions, stripping deception, Why are they getting such bad reception? Isn’t it a matter of someone’s perception? Can’t just one lie get an exception? What will you have when the lies don’t work? Culpability you can no longer shirk. Your responses reduced to a knee jerk, What will you do cuz the lies just don’t work? Cliff Lake 11/6/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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