Have you given a thought to poor Melania, Caught up in the felonious drama? Cooped up in the motel with hardly no one, How is she to get her shopping done? Is she to use last year’s handbags, And what’s she to do about those eyelid sags? Down there in the so heated Florida sun, Surely, she’ll soon need some more work done. Does she really enjoy playing hostess, To so many overcharged show guests? Is she still of the elite or, Is she become just a hotel greeter? What is to happen to her poise and pride, As her chosen one is repeatedly tried? Is there a way she can escape this fate? Or is she contractually obligate? What is to become of Melania now, As the air is let out from the inflated cash cow? When the curtain rings down what will she do? I really don’t care, do you? Cliff Lake 11/25/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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