Republicans, you looked so long for a weapon you could use, To hammer at your subjects, We the People you abuse. You happened on a criminal whose morals were reduced, Then handed him a flag to wear and then you set him loose. This barely educated mobster then gathered men to him, Disaffected fraudsters, and others from the fringe. Racists and misogynists, and gun nuts unwieldy, And all he ever asked of you was unquestioned fealty. You’re in love with your monster, And the chaos that he strews. You take care of the monster, You think he’ll see you through. You do obeisance to the monster, And the values he eschews, There’s one thing about all monsters: They always turn on you. You set him loose upon us, thinking you had control, Of course, he was dishonest, using position to bankroll. Then when the time came for him to take a final bow, He made himself a crime gang to keep his seat somehow. Now he is in charge of you, got you by the balls. He’s become overlarge to you, got you in his thrall. He’s remade you in his image, you must take the knee, Not what you envisaged, your fear is what we see. You’re in love with your monster, And the chaos that you strew. You take care of the monster, You think he’ll see you through. You do obeisance to the monster, And the values you eschew, There’s one thing about this monster: The monster has eaten you. Cliff Lake 1/11/2024 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024
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