Upon returning From the store, Something fluttered To the floor. A note it was, Stuck in the door, Yellowed it was, And slightly tore. Folded over, Very creased, A prank perhaps? Someone’s caprice? Easy dismissed but Just the same, I saw across Was scrawled my name. I opened it Without concern My joker’s name, I hoped to learn. The lines below I did now scan Written in Familiar hand: “The past has flown, We let it be. The future flies, We cannot see. Days come at us One by one, Live today, Tomorrow comes.” The words strangely Had struck a chord. As if I had once Heard them before. The source was shown, At end I see The note was signed, Was signed by me. I read the note Perhaps three times, Glad of the Timely remind. Then carefully Folded once more, To fall for me From my front door. Cliff Lake 12/31/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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