She feeds on moonlight. The frail luminescence nourishes, And strengthens her. She is silver steel under the orb, And she moves like water. She walks in her own shadow. Swiftly passing, You only ever see her leave, Her approach obscured in light, Her quit soon insubstantial. Her paths are long memory, Passed from mother to mother, Generations lost in time. Her track long laid before her, She is past and future. Her charge is but to live, To be here, In this place, At this time. Long years before her task is done. She sleeps in starlight, Far miles behind, And more ahead. Scant hours for rest, The trail ever beckons. She brings the seasons, Each in their turn. The trees shall sleep now, Unburdened of their summer dress, And we will bed down for winter. Cliff Lake 10/27/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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