They gave their all, And will again… Come dear one and hear my tale, When it was thought woe would prevail When Man was young beneath the trees, When evil floated on every breeze. Ill walked among, corruption bred, Naught would stem that evil spread. ‘Til from the darkest forest deep, Came Faerie Queen and she did weep. “I seek the doughtiest there are of Men. But know that deepest wrong you’ll ken. The seat of this curse lies close at hand, It is discovered within my land.” Then Faerie Queen put forth her hand, Her legion stepped out at her command. Arrayed in armor strange and bright, To do battle against the shared plight. Forgotten past, Forgotten when. They gave their all, They will again. Seven Kings of lands both small and great, Gathered force without debate. A peril that they all had seen. They led their hosts behind the Queen. Then Men and Faerie marched as one, They would see evil undone. Resolute, they marched each day, Convinced the horror would make way. They camped at night; they lit no spark, They posted guard in deepest dark. Their enemy remained unseen, Nor other form, save Faerie Queen. When on the fifth they left the wood, And came out where they first had stood. Then Faerie Queen approached the Men, And tears on her face seen again. Forgotten time, Forgotten when. The battle raged; It will again. The Faerie Queen stood all alone, Her troops evil had overthrown. Plain it was her troops were lost, Plain it was they’d paid all cost. Hear me child, be wary, A debt we owe to old Faerie. A memory we hold in bone, Something felt, if not full known. These days we see the darkness swell, Words go wrong and deeds are fell. Crimes committed without complaint, But do not let your heart grow faint! The Queen made pledge that final day, That evil would again hold sway, In our hearts is laid this screed: That Faerie again will rise at need. Forgotten fight, Forgotten when. They gave their all, They will again. Cliff Lake 11/20/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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