From where it came will not be spoke, A vision of the far side of madness. To invoke the name is a call unmeant. Deep in your heart you know its offense. Seeking ruin, it donned a new husk, A comely shape crafted in deceit. Even the blackest blade may shine, Reflecting light from the sharpened edge. So, it came among them hunting, Hungering not for blood and flesh, But feeding on terror, Its strength builded in fear. Ravaging throughout the land, It chose lightless night for its worsts, For darkness allows fell deed easiest, And the unknown fear is the most dire felt. Then coming upon a lone cottage, Its progress was arrested, For standing in the lane, She stood straight-backed and undistressed. Alone she stood against the ravening, And in the doorway her young ones, Frightened, nearly faint, But alive and trusting. “No further!”, she cried, resolute, And it was halted, unfed. Then it raised its voice in anger, Loud it was, but without meaning. Still, she gave no ground, Instead, advanced on it, And reduced its roar to gibbering, For it could not fathom a besting. Then it became slowly aware That rangers had come behind it, That they might attempt it in strength, And now fully assembled, they resisted. Gathered about it those troopers: Wardens of the land, Protectorate of the defenseless, Unbadged yet known to all. They afflicted it from every side, Slowly cleaved its defenses, Hewing it to mere malice, And before it always stood she stalwart. A long fight, but fear may be conquered, Though it took many And some fell of those steadfast, And the cost was dear. After then was raised a mound And monument to the fallen. But the ravening thing was buried deep, And nothing will grow on that grave. Remember then and remain true, For we are not abandoned, And help may come unlooked for, If you feel that you stand alone. Cliff Lake 1/2/2024 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024
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