They may not be from here, The Thinner People. Though they themselves do not know. They search for purpose, If not for meaning. They may be of great girth, Or not. It is not their size that makes them so, The Thinner People: They can slip between the spaces. They are Thinner in their entity, They are not wholly here. They can shift between the shrouds, They can go to some Where, Though not all destinations promise comfort. They do not always want to, They do not always have their choice, The Thinner People. Some things must be, Some calls need answered. Are they Heroes, these Thinner People? Are they whisperers in the dark? Each is still their own, We may not judge, Until each action is shown. They do not ask, Nor have they sought, To be of the Thinner People. They simply are, As you are also. The Thinner People may do great deeds, They may cause great harms. They pass between the curtains, Hoping for instruction, Yet deciding for themselves. Do not revile them, The Thinner People. There are matters that are Other, Great concerns to which we are not privy, And that I may not recount here. Suffer them their time, These Thinner People, Should you know of one close by. Their existence is theirs only, And they may not pass your way again. Cliff Lake 11/19/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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