And he got up in the morning, To try again. Because that is what one does, So he had been told, So he lived his life. And the sellers screamed their wares, And the downtrodden cried their cares, And sometimes these were the same. And the churches sold salvation, And the politicians sold their souls, And begged him to do the same. And his job sold him on a future, A carrot on a stick, And his company sold him on its industry, And somewhere in there, He had sold his dreams. Still, he kept them as bright as he may, Though they be tarnished by reality, And mechanized life. Still, in the night sometimes, He would take them out once more, And burnish them with hope, And only a little resentment. And he got up in the morning, To try again. Because that is what one does. So he lived his life, So he lived his life. Cliff Lake 12/11/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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