What serenity there is found in ignorance, Does not the unseen fail to exist? What peace is there settled in disregard, What a disturbance is knowledge’ gist. Far troubles need not disrupt, The narrowed eye takes comfort in confine. The troubles of others are mitigated, Through lenses colored too pink by design. What business have we to listen, To complaint from persons unknown? What help are we to offer, To those who cannot pay the blood loan? Is it enough to put one’s back to, Rumblings distant that hardly affect, An existence so soft and swaddled, In distraction and the toys we collect. How placid the lack of awareness, Of the storms that others bear. How lulling the fog of oblivion, How tranquil it is not to care. Cliff Lake 11/29/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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