A stumble, and the inevitable tumble, A vote and the inexorable fumble. The persuasions and the dissuasions, And the smackdown sure to humble. Another day gone far astray, Watch the GOP resolve crumble. Given his pallid demonstrations, During his investigations How could ol’ Gym not bleat and bumble? How can you expect to lead, When you are always beyond the pale? We cannot give you what you need, Your only way forward is to continually fail. Is the weekend upon us, will you run away? Or are you up for another try at the fray? Put another MAGA up, how many Dems do you sway? When you keep backing up, they can’t meet you halfway. While you keep falling down, you will make no headway, While you’re fooling around, you will earn no leeway, There IS common ground, we can all find a way, If you find someone reasonable, whadda ya say? How can you expect to lead, When you are always beyond the pale? We cannot give you what you need, Your only way forward is to continually fail. Cliff Lake 10/20/2023 Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023
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